
Here you can find the bibliography that we used to prepare the description for our books.

  1. Andreas, Bert [The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. History and Bibliography, 1848-1918]. Le Manifeste Communiste de Marx et Engels: Histoire et Bibliographie, 1848-1918. Milano, 1963.
  2. [A.S. Pushkin in Russian and Soviet Illustration]. A.S. Pushkin v Russkoi i Sovetskoi Illustratsii. Moscow, 1987
  3. Blum, A. [Banned Books of Russian Writers and Literary Scholars 1917-1991]. Zapreshchennye Knigi Russkikh Pisatelei i Literaturovedov 1917-1991. Saint Petersburg, 2003.
  4. [Books and Manuscripts in the Collection of M.S. Lesman: Annotated Catalogue]. Knigi i Rukopisi v Sobranii M.S. Lesmana: Annotirovannyi katalog. Moscow, 1989.
  5. [Chronological Index of Works by V.I. Lenin]. Khronologicheskii Ukazatel’ Proizvedenii V.I. Lenina. Moscow, 1962
  6. Collonges, J., Kudryashov, D. [Illustrated Pushkin]. Pouchkine Illustré. Paris, 2010. 
  7. Ex Libris 6 Constructivism and Futurism: Russian and Other. New York, 1977.
  8. Hanneman, Audre Ernest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Princeton, New Jersey, 1967.
  9. Hellyer, Peter A Catalogue of Russian Avant-garde Books 1912-1934. London, 2006
  10. [Joseph Brodsky: Index of Literature in Russian for the Years 1962-1995]. Iosif Brodskii: Ukazatel literatury na russkom iazyke za 1962-1995 gg. Saint Petersburg, 1997
  11. Juliar, Michael Vladimir Nabokov: A Descriptive Bibliography, Revised. 2013.
  12. Karasik, Mikhail [Photobook in the USSR]. Fotokniga SSSR. Saint Petersburg, 2015. 
  13. Karasik, Mikhail [The Udarnaya Kniga for Soviet Children: Photo Illustration and Photomontage in Books for Children and Youth of the 1920s-1930s]. Udarnaia Kniga Sovetskoy Detvory: Fotoillustratsiia i fotomontazh v knige dlia detey i unoshestva 1920-1930-kh godov. Moscow, 2010.
  14. Kasack, Wolfgang [Lexicon of 20th Century Russian Literature]. Leksikon Russkoi Literatury XX veka. Moscow, 1996
  15. Leclanche-Boulé, Claude [Constructivism in the USSR: Typography and Photomontage]. Le Constructivisme Russe: typographies & photomontages. Paris, 1991
  16. Levidova, Inna [Mark Twain: A Bibliographic Guide to Russian Translations and Critical Literature in Russian, 1867-1972]. Mark Tven: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel russkikh perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkoi iazyke 1867-1972. Moscow, 1974. 
  17. Levidova, Inna [Walter Scott: Bio-bibliographical Index on the 125th Anniversary of His Death]. Val’ter Skott: Bio-bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ k 125-letiu so dnia smerti. Moscow, 1958
  18. Libman, V. [American Literature in Russian Translations and Criticism. Bibliography]. Amerikanskaia literatura v russkikh perevodakh i kritike. Bibliografiia, 1776-1975. Moscow, 1977
  19. Markevich, A. [A Century of Russian Book Art]. Vek Russkogo Knizhnogo Iskusstva. Moscow, 2005.
  20. Okhlopkov, I. [Debuts of Russian Writers of the 19th-20th Centuries: Bibliographical Reference]. Debuty Russkikh Pisatelei 19-20 vv.: Bibliograficheskii Spravochnik. Moscow, 2007
  21. [Old Children's Books: 1900-1930. From the Collection of Professor Mark Rats]. Staraia Detskaia Knizhka: 1900-1930-e gody. Iz Sobraniia Professora Marka Ratsa. Moscow, 1997.
  22. Roznatovskaia, Iu. [Oscar Wilde in Russia: Bibliographical Index 1892-2000]. Oskar Uaild v Rossii: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel 1892-2000. Moscow, 2000
  23. Russian Modernism: The Collections of the Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities. Santa Monica, 1997.
  24. [Russian Writers. Poets: (Soviet Period): Bio-bibliographical Index]. Russkie Pisateli. Poety: (Sovetskii period): Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel. Edited by N. Zakharenko. Vol. 18. Boris Pasternak. Saint Petersburg, 1995
  25. The Paul M. Fekula Collection. A Catalogue. New York, The Estate of Paul M. Fekula, 1988. 2 vol.
  26. The Two Russian Revolutions: The Libraries of Leon Bernstein and Boris Souvarine. Amsterdam, 1980.
  27. Turchinskii, L. [Russian Poetry of the 20th Century. 1961-1991: Bibliographical Reference]. Russkaia Poeziia XX veka. 1961-1991: Bibliograficheskii spravochnik. Moscow, 2016.
  28. Vaizey, Marina Illustrating Alice: An international selection of illustrated editions of Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking-glass. London, 2013.
  29. Wye, D., Rowell, M. Russian Avant-garde Books 1910-1934. New York, 2002.
  30. [Soviet Picture Books 1920-1930, co-edited by James Fraser and Tayo Shima. Tokyo, Libroport, 1991]. ソビエトの絵本, 1920-1930. ジェームス・フレーザー 島多代 共編. 東京, リブロポート, 1991.