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Hemingway, Ernest

'The Old man at the Bridge' in 'International Literature' magazine (1938).

'The Old man at the Bridge' in 'International Literature' magazine (1938).

Regular price $450.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $450.00 USD
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American literature / Ernest Hemingway / Magazines / Translations / Women
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[International Literature]. Internatsional'naya Literatura. No 8.

Moskva-Leningrad,Goslitizdat, Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1938.
8vo, 264 pp., ill.

In original wrappers.
In good condition, small tears around edges, owner's mark on title page, repaired.

First Russian translation of Hemingway's 'The Old Man at the Bridge'. One of 15 000 copies printed.

This issue includes the story by Ernest Hemingway 'Starik u Mosta' ('The Old Man at the Bridge'; 1938).
It is devoted to the Spanish Civil War. Hemingway published it as a short story in 'Ken Magazine' (# 4, May 19, 1938), not as a news article. And almost immediately the story was translated into Russian (this magazine was signed for printing on September 8). The translation was prepared by Tat'yana Ozerskaya (1907-1991). She also translated novels by Jack London, Theodore Dreiser, Margaret Mitchell,
and Robert Stevenson.

Libman, #6712.

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