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What Awaits Them Ahead: Stories by American Writers. Illustrations by Peter Karachentsov.

What Awaits Them Ahead: Stories by American Writers. Illustrations by Peter Karachentsov.

Regular price $100.00 USD
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American literature / Translations
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Quin, Mike; Mamet, Louis [What Awaits Them Ahead: Stories by American Writers]. Chto Ikh Zhdet Vperedi: Rasskazy amerikanskikh pisatelei. 

Series Biblioteka Zhurnala 'Sovetskii Voin', № 13 (128). 
B. Privalov and I. Savitsky – translation from English.
Illustrations by P. Karachentsov. 

Moskva, Voenizdat, 1949.
16mo, 64 pp., ill.

In original wrappers.
Near very good condition.

The book includes stories by Mike Quin (pen name of Paul William Ryan; 1906–1947) and Louis Mamet.
Peter Karachentsov (1907-1998) was a prominent Soviet graphic artist, poster artist, and illustrator. He studied at VKhUTEIN under Dmitri Moor and Lev Bruni.
This series of books from the magazine 'Sovetskii voin' comprises Russian translations of stories by American authors, published by Voenizdat (the Russian Military Publishing House) during the Cold War. These collections include stories not only by leftist or communist writers but also by politically neutral authors. In this case, each story was accompanied by a special preface aimed at providing the correct interpretation of the texts. The series began publishing in the 1940s and continued until the dissolution of the USSR.

Libman, # 897.

We couldn't trace any copy via OCLC.

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