In America: Stories and Excerpts from Novels by Contemporary American Writers.
In America: Stories and Excerpts from Novels by Contemporary American Writers.
[In America: Stories and Excerpts from Novels by Contemporary American Writers]. V Amerike: Rasskazy i otryvki iz romanov sovremennykh amerikanskikh pisatelei.
Series Biblioteka Soldata.
Translated from English.
Book design by V. Orlov.
Moskva, Voenizdat, 1952.
16mo, 108 pp.
In original pictorial wrappers.
In good condition, small losses to spine extremities, some page edges creased, small stains to some pages.
This issue of the 'Biblioteka Soldata' (Soldier's Library) series is unique because it does not feature any caricatures.
It includes collected excerpts from novels such as Dorothy Gardiner's 'The Grand Betrayal', Samuel Hopkins Adams' 'Plunder', Willard Motley's 'Knock on Any Door', Alexander Saxton's 'The Great Midland' [Libman, # 4926], and Lloyd Brown's 'Iron City'.
Notably, there are no separate Russian editions available for any of Dorothy Gardiner's or Willard Motley's works.
We couldn't trace any copy in OCLC.